MAP Testing

Assessment Testing Program

Welcome to the A.C.C.E.S.,Inc. Testing Service. Our testing is provided to us by Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA). They have been serving schools and families for over 30 years with a computerized adaptive testing.  Your student will take the tests online. The tests are called MAP or Measures of Academic Progress. Detailed results will be available at the end of our testing window in June. Unlike other tests, the assessment itself is unique in that it adapts to the student’s ability, accurately measuring what a child knows and needs to learn. In addition, MAP will measure academic growth over time, independent of grade level or age.


With the largest norm reference group in the nation (the latest norm was done in 2008 with 2.9 million students), NWEA reports highly accurate norm-referenced scores. MAP results, however, go beyond simply ranking student achievement or indicating grade level performance. Educators use MAP test scores to identify the skills and concepts a student knows and what they need to learn next in order to keep growing, irrespective of grade level. With accurate, timely information on an individual student’s needs, educators and parents can target instruction so that every student is learning and growing. Map tests will be conducted in three areas:

  • Reading
  • Language Usage
  • Mathematics

These tests are approved by the Florida Department of Education for private schools participating in the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program.